Download ACOFS Vol IV Issue I[Full Text]
Table of Content
(September 2015-February 2016)
Case Report
Cocaine-Induced Intermittent Purpuric Lesions of the Ear Auricle: An Increasing Entity
Villarreal IM, Ibáñez A, Martin J, Pinilla M, García-Berrocal JR.
Villarreal IM, Ibáñez A, Martin J, Pinilla M, García-Berrocal JR.
Introduction: A new challenge to the medical community is presented with Levamisole, an antihelmintic immunomodulatory agent, recently used in combination with cocaine to enhance its psychoactive effects. The prevalence of cocaine induced vasculopathy is increasing and physicians need to be aware of this emerging condition due to its serious possible complications.
Methods: We report a case of a 52 year old man with intermittent purpuric skin lesions located in the auricles in a patient with regular cocaine consumption. Histopathology of a punch biopsy, revealed diffuse presence of thrombi in the superficial and deep dermal blood vessels with a neutrophilic perivascular infiltrate with leukocytoclasia.
Results: There are several clinical and laboratory findings that support a diagnosis of Levamisole induced vasculitis, including ANCA positivity, specific anti-HNE antibodies and auricle involvement, that help distinguish this condition from autoimmune vasculitis and all of the results were negative.
Conclusion: A high index of suspicion should be kept in mind if this is considered a potential cause for purpuric intermittent lesions in cocaine abusers. To aid the diagnosis a punch biopsy associated with an extensive workup including immunologic testing is recommended. Regardless, no optimal treatment has been described, steroids have been used preventing progressive damage but complete withdrawal is indispensable.
Keywords: Ear auricle, Cocaine, Levamisole, Purpura, vasculopathy.
How to cite this Article:Villarreal IM, Ibáñez A, Martin J, Pinilla M, García-Berrocal JR.Cocaine-Induced Intermittent Purpuric Lesions of the Ear Auricle: An Increasing Entity 2015;4(1):1-3.
Source of Support: Nil.
Conflict of Interest: Nil.
Introduction: A new challenge to the medical community is presented with Levamisole, an antihelmintic immunomodulatory agent, recently used in combination with cocaine to enhance its psychoactive effects. The prevalence of cocaine induced vasculopathy is increasing and physicians need to be aware of this emerging condition due to its serious possible complications.
Methods: We report a case of a 52 year old man with intermittent purpuric skin lesions located in the auricles in a patient with regular cocaine consumption. Histopathology of a punch biopsy, revealed diffuse presence of thrombi in the superficial and deep dermal blood vessels with a neutrophilic perivascular infiltrate with leukocytoclasia.
Results: There are several clinical and laboratory findings that support a diagnosis of Levamisole induced vasculitis, including ANCA positivity, specific anti-HNE antibodies and auricle involvement, that help distinguish this condition from autoimmune vasculitis and all of the results were negative.
Conclusion: A high index of suspicion should be kept in mind if this is considered a potential cause for purpuric intermittent lesions in cocaine abusers. To aid the diagnosis a punch biopsy associated with an extensive workup including immunologic testing is recommended. Regardless, no optimal treatment has been described, steroids have been used preventing progressive damage but complete withdrawal is indispensable.
Keywords: Ear auricle, Cocaine, Levamisole, Purpura, vasculopathy.
How to cite this Article:Villarreal IM, Ibáñez A, Martin J, Pinilla M, García-Berrocal JR.Cocaine-Induced Intermittent Purpuric Lesions of the Ear Auricle: An Increasing Entity 2015;4(1):1-3.
Source of Support: Nil.
Conflict of Interest: Nil.
Review Article
Oral and Periodontal Manifestations of Tuberculosis
Surekha Rathod, Farooque Khan, Anubha Raj
Surekha Rathod, Farooque Khan, Anubha Raj
How to cite this Article:
Rathod S,Khan F,Raj A,Oral and Periodontal Manifestations of Tuberculosis.Arch CranOroFac Sc 2015;4(1):4-7.
Source of Support: Nil.
Conflict of Interest: Nil.
Rathod S,Khan F,Raj A,Oral and Periodontal Manifestations of Tuberculosis.Arch CranOroFac Sc 2015;4(1):4-7.
Source of Support: Nil.
Conflict of Interest: Nil.
Case Report
Electrochemotherapy: A Case Report
Mohammad Akheel
Mohammad Akheel
How to cite this Article: Akheel M,Electrochemotherapy-A Case Report.Arch CranOroFac Sc 2016;4(1):8-9.
Source of Support: Nil.
Conflict of Interest: Nil.
Source of Support: Nil.
Conflict of Interest: Nil.
Case Report
Surekha Bhedasgaonkar, Janak Kapadia, Nausheer Pagarkar, Sucheta Vanjari
Surekha Bhedasgaonkar, Janak Kapadia, Nausheer Pagarkar, Sucheta Vanjari
Introduction: The pulpal and the periodontal tissues are intimately related anatomically, functionally and physiologically. It has been suggested that periodontal disease is a direct cause of pulpal atrophy and necrosis and is more deleterious to the pulp than both caries and restorations combined. Treating such lesions is crucial to improve the prognosis of the tooth.
Case Report: An endo-perio lesion in the maxillary left lateral incisor region was initially treated with endodontic therapy.Following the endodontic therapy, the circumferential infrabony defect was treated using platelet- rich fibrin and an alloplastic bone graft.
Results: At the end of 6 months, there was a gain in the clinical attachment levels, reduction in the probing depths.The radiographs showed that there was significant bone fill.
Conclusion: Prognosis of a tooth having an endo-perio lesion and undergoing regenerative therapy, can improve significantly with the use of platelet rich fibrin (PRF) with alloplastic bone graft following successful endodontic treatment.
Key words: Endo-perio lesions, Platelet-Rich Fibrin, Infrabony Defects.
How to cite this Article: Bhedasgaonkar S,Kapadia J, Pagarkar N, Vanjari S.Platelet-Rich Fibrin:A Nature's Boon to the Field of Periodontology.Arch CranOroFac Sc 2016;4(1):10-12.
Source of Support: Nil.
Conflict of Interest: Nil.
Introduction: The pulpal and the periodontal tissues are intimately related anatomically, functionally and physiologically. It has been suggested that periodontal disease is a direct cause of pulpal atrophy and necrosis and is more deleterious to the pulp than both caries and restorations combined. Treating such lesions is crucial to improve the prognosis of the tooth.
Case Report: An endo-perio lesion in the maxillary left lateral incisor region was initially treated with endodontic therapy.Following the endodontic therapy, the circumferential infrabony defect was treated using platelet- rich fibrin and an alloplastic bone graft.
Results: At the end of 6 months, there was a gain in the clinical attachment levels, reduction in the probing depths.The radiographs showed that there was significant bone fill.
Conclusion: Prognosis of a tooth having an endo-perio lesion and undergoing regenerative therapy, can improve significantly with the use of platelet rich fibrin (PRF) with alloplastic bone graft following successful endodontic treatment.
Key words: Endo-perio lesions, Platelet-Rich Fibrin, Infrabony Defects.
How to cite this Article: Bhedasgaonkar S,Kapadia J, Pagarkar N, Vanjari S.Platelet-Rich Fibrin:A Nature's Boon to the Field of Periodontology.Arch CranOroFac Sc 2016;4(1):10-12.
Source of Support: Nil.
Conflict of Interest: Nil.