Aims and Scope of the Journal
• Archives of CraniOrofacial Sciences(ACOFS) is dedicated to noblest
profession of Medicine and Dentistry, and to its young & blossoming
intellect, with whom the future of Medicine and Dentistry will be cherished
• The prime aim of this journal is to advance the science and art of Medicine
and Dentistry. This journal is an educational tool to encourage and share
the acquired knowledge with our peers.
• This journal assures you to gain knowledge in recent advances and
research activities in the field of Cranial and Orofacial region.
• The journal publishes original scientific papers with special emphasis on
research, unusual case reports, editorial, review articles, book reviews &
other relevant information in context of high professional standards
• Archives of CraniOrofacial Sciences(ACOFS) is dedicated to noblest
profession of Medicine and Dentistry, and to its young & blossoming
intellect, with whom the future of Medicine and Dentistry will be cherished
• The prime aim of this journal is to advance the science and art of Medicine
and Dentistry. This journal is an educational tool to encourage and share
the acquired knowledge with our peers.
• This journal assures you to gain knowledge in recent advances and
research activities in the field of Cranial and Orofacial region.
• The journal publishes original scientific papers with special emphasis on
research, unusual case reports, editorial, review articles, book reviews &
other relevant information in context of high professional standards