Download ACOFS Vol I Issue V [Full Text]
Table of Content
Original Article
Mohammed Sheeba Kauser ,Akheel Mohammad
Mohammed Sheeba Kauser ,Akheel Mohammad

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Temporomandibular joint ankylosis is the bony or fibrous fusion of the temporomandibular joint affecting any age group. This article brings out the importance of physiotherapy in postoperative TMJ patients performed in 11 patients with a preoperative mean mouth opening of 5 mm to postoperative mouth opening of 37.5mm after 6 months. An expert physiotherapist is always needed to manage postoperative temporomandibular joint ankylosis patients.
Key words: Physiotherapy,TMJ Ankylosis
How to cite this Article: Kauser MS, Mohammad A,Importance of Physiotherapy in Postoperative TMJ Ankylosis Patients.Arch CranOroFac Sc 2014;1(5):61-62.
Source of Support: Nil
Conflict of Interest:No
Temporomandibular joint ankylosis is the bony or fibrous fusion of the temporomandibular joint affecting any age group. This article brings out the importance of physiotherapy in postoperative TMJ patients performed in 11 patients with a preoperative mean mouth opening of 5 mm to postoperative mouth opening of 37.5mm after 6 months. An expert physiotherapist is always needed to manage postoperative temporomandibular joint ankylosis patients.
Key words: Physiotherapy,TMJ Ankylosis
How to cite this Article: Kauser MS, Mohammad A,Importance of Physiotherapy in Postoperative TMJ Ankylosis Patients.Arch CranOroFac Sc 2014;1(5):61-62.
Source of Support: Nil
Conflict of Interest:No
Case Report
Cavernous Sinus Thrombosis: A Case Report
Gaurav Verma, Arunesh Kumar Tiwari, Fahad Ahmad, Palavi Gupta
Gaurav Verma, Arunesh Kumar Tiwari, Fahad Ahmad, Palavi Gupta

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Cavernous sinus thrombosis or thrombophlebitis is a major life threatening complication of orofacial infections. The diagnosis was based on case history and clinical presentation of the condition. We presented a case of cavernous sinus thrombosis presented with typical features involving the eye with a maxillary tooth as a focus of infection. The patient was treated by aggressive measures which includes supportive therapy along with surgical management.
Keywords: Cavernous Sinus; Cavernous Sinus Thrombosis; Cavernous Sinus Thrombophlebitis;Chemosis;Ophthalmoplegia; Ptosis.
How to cite this Article: Verma G, Tiwari A.K, Ahmad F, Gupta P. Cavernous Sinus Thrombosis:A Case Report. Arch CranOroFac Sc 2014;1(5):63-65.
Source of Support: Nil.
Conflict of Interest:No.
Cavernous sinus thrombosis or thrombophlebitis is a major life threatening complication of orofacial infections. The diagnosis was based on case history and clinical presentation of the condition. We presented a case of cavernous sinus thrombosis presented with typical features involving the eye with a maxillary tooth as a focus of infection. The patient was treated by aggressive measures which includes supportive therapy along with surgical management.
Keywords: Cavernous Sinus; Cavernous Sinus Thrombosis; Cavernous Sinus Thrombophlebitis;Chemosis;Ophthalmoplegia; Ptosis.
How to cite this Article: Verma G, Tiwari A.K, Ahmad F, Gupta P. Cavernous Sinus Thrombosis:A Case Report. Arch CranOroFac Sc 2014;1(5):63-65.
Source of Support: Nil.
Conflict of Interest:No.
Case Report
Anuj Bhargava,Smita Soni,Amit Tyagi
Anuj Bhargava,Smita Soni,Amit Tyagi

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Ameloblastoma is a slow growing, and locally aggressive tumor with high recurrence rates. The tumor can assume large sizes. It arises from epithelium of the dental lamina. Clinically the tumor can presents itself as swelling which are generally asymptomatic. Histologically there are many variants. Radiographically the tumor can occur either as mutilocular radioluscent lesion giving a peculiar honey comb appearance or as a unicystic variety. There are many treatment options available which range from conservative treatment of curettage, enucleation to radical surgical approaches of wide margin excision. Radical treatment approaches have the advantage of lowering the recurrence rates but at the same time pose extremely difficult challenges of reconstruction of the surgical defects. We are reporting a case of a 20 year old young female diagnosed with a large multicystic ameloblastoma of the mandible in which wide margin surgical excision of the tumor by segmental resection of the left hemimandible was performed with spanning of the boney defect with titanium reconstruction plates to achieve a favorable aesthetic and functional outcome for the patient.
Keywords: Ameloblastoma, Reconstruction, 3D CBCT
Key Message: Ameloblastoma is a anatomically benign, clinically persistent and locally aggressive tumor with high recurrence rates. Radiographically it may present as a multilocular radioluscency with characteristic "soap bubble or honey comb appearance " or as a unilocular lesion. Conservative approaches of treatment include curettage and enucleation with reported high recurrence rates. Radical treatment involves wide margin excisions of the tumor mass. Reconstruction of the resected defect is a challenge for the surgeon to provide a favorable functional and aesthetic outcome to the patient.
How to cite this Article: Bhargava A,Soni S,Tyagi.A Large Ameloblastoma of the Mandible: A Case Report.Arch CranOroFac Sc 2014;1(5):66-72
Source of Support: Nil
Conflict of Interest:No
Ameloblastoma is a slow growing, and locally aggressive tumor with high recurrence rates. The tumor can assume large sizes. It arises from epithelium of the dental lamina. Clinically the tumor can presents itself as swelling which are generally asymptomatic. Histologically there are many variants. Radiographically the tumor can occur either as mutilocular radioluscent lesion giving a peculiar honey comb appearance or as a unicystic variety. There are many treatment options available which range from conservative treatment of curettage, enucleation to radical surgical approaches of wide margin excision. Radical treatment approaches have the advantage of lowering the recurrence rates but at the same time pose extremely difficult challenges of reconstruction of the surgical defects. We are reporting a case of a 20 year old young female diagnosed with a large multicystic ameloblastoma of the mandible in which wide margin surgical excision of the tumor by segmental resection of the left hemimandible was performed with spanning of the boney defect with titanium reconstruction plates to achieve a favorable aesthetic and functional outcome for the patient.
Keywords: Ameloblastoma, Reconstruction, 3D CBCT
Key Message: Ameloblastoma is a anatomically benign, clinically persistent and locally aggressive tumor with high recurrence rates. Radiographically it may present as a multilocular radioluscency with characteristic "soap bubble or honey comb appearance " or as a unilocular lesion. Conservative approaches of treatment include curettage and enucleation with reported high recurrence rates. Radical treatment involves wide margin excisions of the tumor mass. Reconstruction of the resected defect is a challenge for the surgeon to provide a favorable functional and aesthetic outcome to the patient.
How to cite this Article: Bhargava A,Soni S,Tyagi.A Large Ameloblastoma of the Mandible: A Case Report.Arch CranOroFac Sc 2014;1(5):66-72
Source of Support: Nil
Conflict of Interest:No